Henry was entertaining Eddie from the outside looking in. Eddie wanted to be out there in the snow, playing with Daddy and Henry, but he has no snow boots or pants. He just watched from the window. (this was from last weekend)
Well, like I said in my last entry, Eddie can't get a break from any winter illness. I had to take him back to the doctor, AGAIN!!! He has an ear infection in one ear and bronchiolitis. He did not sleep at all last night, which made me think he had the ear infection. Well, he is on antibiotics now, so I hope this is it for now!!! Speaking of Eddie, he is waking up, so it looks like another LONG night. Take care everyone.
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2 Responses
Hope he's feeling better tonight, and sleeping better too. Mommies need their sleep.
Hugs and kisses to both boys from all of us!
Poor baby. I remember Celina was like that, sick all the time. Hopefully his medicine will start working soon. Did they give him a stronger pain med. for his ear so he can sleep? Well hang in there. Love Ya! Say hi to Derek and kiss the boys for me!