
Simple Things!

Henry is almost always in a happy, goofy mood! He is always singing and dancing and just being silly! During pajama time, he seems to always stop while undressing, with the shirt stuck halfway on his head. He thinks it is so funny! He has fun doing the simple things in life, I guess we should all remember how much joy can be brought to us just by the simple things in each of our lives.

Special Delivery

Henry and Eddie love empty boxes! They love them even more when the boxes are big enough for them to fit in. Henry and Jantzyn used this box earlier in the week as a bed for the baby dolls, and then it became a fun ride for the boys as Daddy pulled them around the house in it. I look forward to not having to buy diapers anymore, but I will miss making small memories like this one!

Lucky Guinea Pig

Henry and Eddie love to feed the guinea pigs. They are both feeding Cream Puff some lettuce in this picture.


Six passengers flew in an airplane to Canada. On their way, the plane had problems and crashed on the border of Canada and Michigan. Five of the six passengers died. Where should they bury the survivors?

Responses wanted!

Actions and Consequences

Eddie is slow to learn that actions have consequences. The action---trying to shove a basket on your head! He did this three different times, and each time it had the same consequence--the basket would get stuck on his head because of the handle. Like I said, he is slow to learn the consequence of his action, or he is just stubborn. Either way, I am in for a long ride with this little boy! Long ride or not, I love him with all my heart and will learn myself how to deal with his actions and consequences! He has such an awesome spirit--so fun, so curious, and so loving. He is our Eddie!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Henry and Eddie had a Valentine's Day get together with some friends. They all had so much fun together, playing and dancing! Henry and Eddie love having friends over, sharing their home and toys!

Oreo Turkey Beard

This is what Henry's face looks like after eating an Oreo cookie! He says it's his turkey beard, just like the turkey beard his Daddy has from time to time-only Derek's is not from an Oreo cookie!

I hope everyone is having a great week. Keep checking in and leaving feedback for's the only way for some of us to keep in touch! Miss you know who "you" are! Love, Angie

We Love Reading!!!

This picture is often seen in our home. The boys sitting with one of us and reading book after book! Henry and Eddie LOVE to read books! There are books ALL over our house and they are read on a daily basis. Eddie will sit forever just looking through the baskets of books in the family room. He has taken after his big brother when it comes to having a love of books. We are so happy that our boys want to read with us because it will be so good for them when they start school! Henry is already beginning to recognize letters and a handful of words!!! I know I am his mother, but it doesn't take away the fact that I am SO proud of Henry (and Eddie). I will always have the time to read to my boys because I am seeing the benefits of it firsthand! So, keep reading!


Any of you who know Henry know that he is a polite and thankful little boy. He always remembers to say thank you for anything big or small, from a cup of milk to a favorite toy. Last night he was sitting at the table having a snack. He, of course, thanked me for his yogurt and apples. After sitting at the table for a while, he said to me, "thank you for my brother, Mommy". Talk about touching my heart...brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it! If only we all were more grateful for the "people" in our lives and not the "things". I guess sometimes it takes the words of a sensitive three year old to put things into perspective. "Who" in your life are you thankful for?


If it takes 20 minutes to boil one egg, how long does it take to boil three eggs?

Henry and Ella

I wanted to pull out a couple pictures from Christmas because Henry has been talking quite a bit about Ella and Carter and Nana and Papa. He asked to go to Nana and Papa's today...he doesn't yet understand just how long a drive it is! Henry loves his time with Ella, you can see it in the pictures! They have so much fun together! If only they lived near one another:)

Well, Eddie seems to be feeling better. He even slept all night last night. Of course, after a night of rest for everyone, both boys were up before 7am. Isn't that how it usually works out for moms want to catch up on sleep and you never can!
Keep checking in and leaving comments for us. We love to see who is staying "in the know"!

From the outside...looking in.

Henry was entertaining Eddie from the outside looking in. Eddie wanted to be out there in the snow, playing with Daddy and Henry, but he has no snow boots or pants. He just watched from the window. (this was from last weekend)
Well, like I said in my last entry, Eddie can't get a break from any winter illness. I had to take him back to the doctor, AGAIN!!! He has an ear infection in one ear and bronchiolitis. He did not sleep at all last night, which made me think he had the ear infection. Well, he is on antibiotics now, so I hope this is it for now!!! Speaking of Eddie, he is waking up, so it looks like another LONG night. Take care everyone.


Well, as you all know, we live in Ft.Rain, Windiana. It's always rainy and always windy here!!! It started flooding in and around Ft. Wayne today and considering the fact that it is still raining, I can bet there will be some more flooding. Is it just me or is it weird to hear thunder in February?

Eddie had his appointment with the GI doc today. He doesn't have anything too serious, just a little IBS that we need to take care of with some mineral oil to start off with for the next two months. The doctor will see him back then to see if there has been any improvement. Aside from the IBS, the poor kid can't breathe. He is soooooo congested. His eyes are all goopy and watery and his nose is like a faucet, and coughing so much that he can't get any sleep. He just can't get a break from any illness this winter! It's really been messing up my exercise routine. It's really difficult for me to get up at 4:40am when I have been up with a sick little one throughout the night. I can't wait for spring and warmer weather and less "bugs" going through our family.

Henry is doing well. He went to Stacey's today and had a ball. He wanted to go back after his nap. Katie got a new play kitchen for her birthday and Henry just loved playing with it. He is wanting to read "Green Eggs and Ham" multiple times throughout the day. As soon as I (or Derek) finish reading it, he wants to read it again right away. He could probably read it to us!
Well, take care everyone! New pictures coming soon!

Baby Blues

The best looking boys? I think so... just look at those eyes!

Good Morning Starshine! The Earth Says "Hello"!

You may be thinking to yourself, "What kind of a title is that?" This is a classic quote from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the recent movie). We just got this on DVD and Henry is asking to see it at least three times a day. Angie thinks it is a completely weird movie. On the other hand, I think it is great! For those who have read the book or can remember reading the book, the old movie doesn't quite follow it like the new movie does. Edison and Henry love when the colors cover the screen. We have the High Definition DVD, so the colors are fantastic.

Baby names

I can't imagine who voted for the name "Lukin". Maybe...oh, I don't know...Kevin Lowe!!! Nice one, only Kevin or Barry would know the story behind that name! Derek had to make a phone call to get a vote in on that name! Anyone else, well, I can't explain why anyone else would!